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Finding Second Home Insurance in Florida

We have many clients around the world who own a second home in Florida and their reasons are just as varied as their locations. Some are looking for a winter vacation home where it’s sunny and warm. Others are seeking an investment property so they can rent it out and earn extra income. No matter why, if you’re preparing to purchase a second home in Florida, you’ve likely heard of the legendary storms during hurricane season and you know you have to protect your investment with second home insurance.

The Florida peninsula is surrounded by warm water and while this creates some of the most beautiful beachfront living in the world, it also comes with some unique challenges. For example, all of Florida is considered a flood zone. Flood insurance is not typically included in home insurance policies and usually requires separate coverage. We are also prone to sinkholes caused by porous limestone that leaves empty spaces in the bedrock below the soil, especially the inland areas of the state. Catastrophic sinkholes are covered by all homeowner’s insurance policies, but ones that cause cosmetic damage may require a separate policy.

You probably have a lot of questions, like:

  • What does second home insurance cover?
  • Who can provide the best second home insurance for my home?
  • How much does home insurance for second homes cost compared to my primary residence?

And we’re sure you have plenty more. As an independent insurance agency, we work with a lot of different insurance carriers. We will work with you to find the answers you need and customize the best quote for your second home. We can recommend ways to save money like applying for a wind-mitigation discount by ensuring your second home’s roof is up to code and can withstand Florida’s strong winds. And we’ll help you avoid pitfalls like assignment of benefits scams. We are here to help!

Contact us today for a free quote!